Saturday, September 12, 2009

Basket drops

Well I am back on the boat after have being at the air station in Kodiak for a few weeks. It was a good experience so say the least, although this flight physical thing is giving me some problems. Got to do a lot of cool stuff and learned a TON. I will admit I did miss the boat just a little bit, I like being out on the sea, but I think I would like it more if it was on my own terms instead of being ordered out here for months on end. Only a few days untill we are back in Ketchikan though. I am moving into a 3 bedroom house with my two friends off the boat, so that'll be nice to not have to live in a dorm room with a roommate anymore, those things are pretty small. After that its time to come home for a little while and see the fam and friends! Here are some more pictures I found on my computer. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Alan and Sharon said...

Looking forward to seeing you...just 12 more days until you are back home again in Indiana! I am sure you will enjoy living off base. Have fun moving! Love, Mom